FORMS for 2025 are not yet availablE
Information Packet
The information packet contains information about how to fill out the medical forms, arrival and departure times, a packing list, the code of conduct form, camp address and phone numbers.
The online system will collect consent form, over the counter (OTC) medication approval, an approved pick up list form (required for day and overnight campers) and the ability to select cabin photos and camp store candy snack purchases.
When the packet is emailed to you, please review the contents, log into the online registration system and verify that all online forms and info is complete and payment is made.
For 2024 all medical forms are required. If your camper came to camp in 2022, we may have a current medical form for them and will review the forms we have on hand to see if they are still valid. PAPER FORMS (in addition to online forms) NEEDED FOR CAMP: 1) Physical Exam, 2) Medication Authorization form if taking prescription meds, 3) Special Needs Plan of Care - need even if no plan-tick the no box and 4) code of conduct (see below).
No camper will be admitted without a completed health form.
CODE OF CONDUCT: The code of conduct should be reviewed with the camper and parent/guardian and signed by both.
Medical Forms
HEALTH EXAM RECORd - to be completed by a physician
A physical (or proof of, e.g. school physical exam) is REQUIRED and must be within 2 years of camp attendance. For those who attended camp in 2022, we MAY have a valid medical form for your camper. We suggest that you get the most current exam from your provider. An please note that it may take 5-10 business days for some medical office to get you the medical forms.
Please note that the form must be signed and dated by a licensed physician or nurse practioner. A nurse's signature is not acceptable. An electronic signature is acceptable if it is the normal operating procedure for the physician's office.
A school physical is acceptable, provided it is signed and dated as noted above. Part 3-Oral Health Assessment is not required.
Over-the-counter medications will be listed and authorized by the parent online. If your child requires any other OTC medications or supplements not listed on line (see the information packet also) , they must be listed on a Medication Administration Form.
SPECIAL HEALTH NEEDS PLAN OF CARE FORM - to be completed by the parent/guardian
A Special Health Needs Plan of Care must be completed for every camper indicating if a child does not require a plan or that they do, with details listed.
Please note that if your camper has a special health needs plan, the details of the plan may also be required on the physical exam and/or medication authorization form. For example, if your camper has an allergy to bee stings and requires an epi-pen, the allergy should be listed on the physical and the epi-pen should be listed on the medication authorization form.
Medication Administration Form - to be completed by a physician
If your camper is bringing prescription medication to camp, a medication form for EACH MEDICATION must be completed and signed by the perscriber. Please note that OTC medications or supplements other than those listed in the online system or in the information packet should also be included on an authorization form.
NOTE: The dispensing information on the authorization form and NOT the drug bottle label will be followed. Please check the form versus the label before arriving at camp.
All medications will be retained and dispensed by the camp nurse.